Eva Beresin
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Eva Beresin

Eva Beresin (*1955, Budapest) lives and works in Vienna. Beresin completed her studies at the School of Fine Arts in Budapest and has been creating work with various media since the 1990s. Her current method of working began with an exhibition at Charim Galerie in 2015 responding to her mother’s diary written after her liberation from Auschwitz. In April 2024, Beresin will have a major career survey show at Albertina Museum, Vienna.


"Eva Beresin's paintings pose a stealthily radical exposure of the non-entities and inconsequential moments of intimate domestic life. Beresin's practice is informed by her impulse towards rendering stories deeply rooted in the most harrowing moments of human history and infusing them with a levity and satire that raids the borders of saccharine cuteness and the grotesque. As we bear witness to these comic-tragic friezes, the banally domestic and uncomfortably intimate scenes confront us with female carnal exposure, beguile us with their abject humour and seduce us with the uncanny familiarity of the hypnotically grotesque. Denying any clear orientation by dismantling encoded moral binaries, the rendering of sins otherwise here reveals Beresin's wilfully contradictory register of human behaviour."

- Rachel Falconer, BOMB Magazine, 2022

CV Eva Beresin