Roberta Lima
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Roberta Lima (*1974, Manaus, Brazil) graduated with a degree in architecture before moving to Vienna in 2001. She graduated with a Master’s degree in Fine Art from the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna in 2007 and a PhD in Philosophy in 2013. Thereafter she worked at the Academy of Fine Arts as a lecturer and Assistant Professor in the Contextual Painting Class.

Lima focuses on her own body as a central theme of her work and uses various media, such as photographs, video and installations. Additionally she investigates space and appropriates aspects of different places and contexts – from subculture to science, from popular media to historical reference and feminist theory – for producing art and starting discussions on the role of artist and viewer.

She has exhibited and performed internationally at festivals such as Wiener Festwochen, Donaufestival, and Kyoto Experiment. In 2007 she was awarded the “H13 Prize for Performance”. In 2018 she was awarded Austrian Citizenship based on the merit of her accomplishments and contributions to the nation.

Roberta Lima currently lives and works in Helsinki and Vienna.
CV Roberta Lima